Cornell 8H-VC18 Pumps Form a ‘Green Dragon’

Muscle, Ingenuity, and Determination need to move Cornell Pumps 250 Miles into the Jungle to Supply Fresh Drinking Water Two vertical mount 8H-VC18 units were installed in the Colombian jungle on the river Caucasia, about 400 kilometers (248 miles) South of coast. Because of some interesting features, the installation earned the nickname the Green Dragon. […]
European Waste Water Plants Uses Cornell Pumps to Reduces Foam, Help Sludge Settle
Two major waste water treatment plants in Brussels faced issues with sludge circulation in the decanting basins; use of the previously installed pumps was creating too much foam, leading to sludge particles floating near and on top of the water’s surface. Because the sludge was not settling down into the basins as expected, the extraction […]