Cornell Announces New Pump-Flo Connect!
Selecting Cornell pumps with Pump-Flo, just got easier, with more options! Cornell Pump Company has utilized Pump-Flo, a pump selection program, for years. The latest iteration offers many great new features to users, including: Operating Point Reporting Based on Intersection of System Resistance Curve and Selected Performance Curve – Updated reporting shows the head and […]
RETA members tour Cornell Pump
Cornell Pump hosted the Will H. Knox Chapter of Refrigeration Engineers and Technicians Association (RETA) meeting on Monday, January 18, 2016. More than 25 attendees toured Cornell Pump, examined at our Arctic King and CB Open Drive refrigeration pumps, and posed installation questions to pump assemblers and inside sales staff. More than 6,000 individuals and companies […]
Cornell Pump School goes to El Paso
Cornell staff providing pump training to more than 80 participants in El Paso. Slurry, mining, municipal, and cutter products were covered extensively. If you’re interested in lunch and learns or trainings, please let us know. We thank Clowe & Cowan for their gracious hospitality.