Happy Thanksgiving!

We will be closed Thursday, November 23rd, 2017, for Thanksgiving, and open with a small crew for emergency needs on Friday.

Cornell Pump Employee Picnic: Great Time on the Willamette

Saturday, July 29, dozens of Cornell employees and their families spent an enjoyable afternoon having a great picnic, enjoying carnival games, and a taking ride on the Willamette River Jet Boats. Face painting for children was a big hit, the catered food truck burgers and fries were scrumptious, and employees won great raffle prizes. Cornell […]

Idaho Irrigation Equipment Association Scholarship Winner Announced

Cornell Pump has sponsored the Idaho Irrigation Equipment Association (IIEA) scholarship since the early 1990’s. This year, IIEA is pleased to give out $22,000 in scholarships to 36 deserving students. In total, IIEA has given our nearly 700 scholarships with a value of $422,500 to help Idaho students pursue their higher education goals. Eric Ball […]

The 10STX self-priming pump from Cornell

Cornell recently added a 10” pump to our popular STX Self Priming Line. The 10STX seen here getting photographed for our revised self-priming brochures and data sheets. We’re excited where this distinctive looking self-primer fits in our line. Along with other self-primers in 8”,6”,4”, 3” and 2”, the 10STX offers a high efficiency solution to […]

Cornell at IA Expo this Week

Visit Cornell Pump at Booth #1209 at Irrigation Association (IA) expo in Las Vegas. We’re exhibiting through Thursday, December 8 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. See the redesigned 2C Edge End Gun booster  on display as well as our popular RB and V series pumps. Learn more about Cornell Pump’s agricultural lines.

RETA Chapter Meeting

Cornell Pump was honored to give a refrigeration maintenance presentation to the Refrigeration Engineers and Technicians Association (RETA) chapter in the Tri Cities (Washington). Cornell Application engineer and an assembler went over the proper maintenance for our open (CB) series and hermetic (Arctic King) series. Learn more about the refrigeration series here on the Cornell […]