Cornell 3WH Helps Georgia Farmer’s Efficiency

“Efficient By Design” is more than just a slogan at Cornell. It is a standard to which we hold ourselves. Cornell is the most efficient pump line on the market. With production costs increasing, cultivatable land decreasing, and world populations increasing; the US farmer has to produce more with less to stay successful.
Our high efficient pump ends help farmers reduce power consumption and put more profits to the bottom line. Seventh generation farmers Tim and Steve McMillan were awarded the Lower Southeast Farm Press Peanut Profitability Award for 2013.
The Peanut Profitability Award is based on overall efficiency in producing a crop. This involves keeping input and overhead costs as low as possible. The McMillans produce cotton, peanuts, and corn as traditional row crops. They also operate two “you-pick” locations offering strawberries, blackberries, nectarines, and peaches.
The McMillans yielded an impressive 5,991 pounds of peanuts per acre in 2012 from their irrigated crop. Approximately 40% percent of his crop is irrigated under center pivot, while 20% is irrigated with cable tow machines. The McMillan’s purchased their first Cornell pump (3WH) from Cornell’s Nashville dealer in 2011. The 3WH has head up to 25’ and flow up to 760 GPM, boasts an 81% efficiency, and is part of our extensive line of agricultural pumps.
Congratulations to the McMillans and Southern Grace Farms.