Cornell Pulse™
Provides a snapshot of your pump’s health! Better understanding of operations helps with preventative maintenance and energy savings. Simple to use mobile app lets you query Pulse whenever you want—as long as you are within about 30 feet/10 meters.
Easy to set up, the mobile app lets you see multiple pumps and rename them for your system
Pulse is free on all new Cornell Pumps—and available as retrofit on Cornell and other manufacturers.
Learn more about this exciting short range wireless device!

Cornell Pulse, is an innovative way to measure pump vibration severity and temperature in real time—the unit itself is a small (less than 2” diameter) pump-mounted Bluetooth enable device that takes pump readings when queried by the end-user. That query comes through a mobile app for phones and tablets that measures temperature and vibration on the pump when the app is initiated. This allows detection of common pump problems, as long as the end-user is recording conditions.
The name Pulse refers to checking the pump’s health right away. Designed to be robust, wash-down duty, Pulse can last three years with daily measurements (more frequent measurements use battery power and reduce service life.)
Cornell Pulse allows you to:
- Monitor pump health onsite
- Distinguish / rename pumps for greater clarity in multiple pump installations
- Use onboard power for up to five years for consistent, accurate readings
- Measure pump vibration severity
- Gauge bearing frame temperature

App is free in Apple and Android application stores, and new pumps from Cornell are rolling out with Pulse attached. The heartbeat of your system is now measurable whenever you need. Take the Pulse of your pump!
Use this link to access the free mobile app on Apple
Utilize this link to get the free app on Android
Have questions about the app: send an e-mail to

- Download the Pulse app at the Google Play or Apple Apps store. Search “Cornell Pulse” to find the app
- Be within 30 feet (about 10 meters) of the pulse device
- Open the mobile app and search for nearby devices.
- Verify the device ID is the Pulse device you expect to be attached to your pump (for multiple pulse devices within range--there could be several choices).
- Now you can track via Pulse

Pulse is a free mobile app, and included on all* Cornell Pumps without a Co-Pilot free of charge.
If you want to retrofit a Cornell (or other brand) pump please contact for pricing and availability

Phone (503) 653-0330 — generally available 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pacific time , Monday through Friday. Closed US holidays.
*Pulse is attached to all pumps where the submergence and operating temperature allows. It may be excluded from certain turbines, refrigeration, hot oil, and submersible pumps.